Media coverage

We share here each of the news articles we know of which feature the Scotland-Malawi relationship in some way.

9 February 2024

Charity's Wee Box appeal aims to make big changes to the lives of Rwanda's women and girls

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24 January 2024

Malawi International Tourism Expo: Kamtukule says ministry is looking for partners.

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24 January 2024

Scotland Beyond Net Zero: Net Zero Secretary keynote speech

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24 January 2024

United Nations (UN) Women Malawi Ignites Change With A Pioneering Heforshe Campaign Against Gender-Based Violence (GBV) & Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

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24 January 2024

Scotland's International Strategy

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23 January 2024

Global Weather Hazards Summary January 19 - 25, 2024

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19 January 2024

Refugees in Malawi returning to townships and trading centres

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19 January 2024

Some communities in Phalombe at risk of possible flooding

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18 January 2024

Malawi Kwacha remains stable after 44% Devaluation

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16 January 2024

DoDMA warns against abuse of government’s relief interventions

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16 January 2024

Malawi Catholic Bishops Reject Blessings of Same-Sex Unions

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16 January 2024

COVID-19 Strikes Nsanje, Malawi: Times Radio to Broadcast Deta

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16 January 2024

Cholera cases soar globally; Malawi, Haiti deadliest outbreaks, WHO reports

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15 January 2024

Govt tipped on safeguarding rights of people in Malawi this year

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15 January 2024

International Development Fund: non-communicable disease programme

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13 January 2024

Over 200 NGO’s Risk Closure

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12 January 2024

Global firm ranks Malawi passport on top ten most powerful passports in Africa

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11 January 2024

Multi-Country Outbreak of Cholera, External Situation Report #10, Published 11 January 2024

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