Heather Sutherland

Heather Sutherland


I supported Malawi when I worked at Edinburgh College and visited Lilongwe in 2010 as part of an FE delegation to give training to teachers. We raised the profile of Malawi in the college and have a partnership with Soche Technical College in Blantyre. We fundraised to build them a library and donated money to support students in Blantyre. The project was halted due to the political situation there but there are still plans to take the project forward now that things have changed.,,I support MUMs (Malawi Underprivileged Mothers) and when I was in Malawi in 2010 visited the new maternity hospital in Lilongwe, and two of the local feeding stations MUMs supports along with the Community Midwife. I still actively support MUMs in Scotland and am on the fund-raising committee.,