Jubilee Scotland

Jubilee Scotland

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Jubilee Scotland are a small, Scottish based charity campaigning for the cancellation of the unjust and unpayable debts of the world’s poorest countries. We campaign for a fairer global economy and seek to educate people in Scotland around the global financial situation and how they can be empowered to do something about it. Massive, unjust and unpayable debts afflict many of the world’s poorest countries and, as scarce resources are diverted from meeting basic needs to paying escalating interest charges, contribute to the needless death of 19,000 children a day. Jubilee Scotland was set up in March 2001 to succeed Jubilee 2000 debt campaign in Scotland, and represents a broad coalition of voluntary and civic groups. Its role is to focus the concern of these groups and thousands of local campaigners Scotland-wide, using peaceful methods so that domestic and international decision makers are forced to take note.

Partner organisation in Malawi

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