St Maurice's High School

St Maurice's High School


Over the past twelve, St Maurice’s High School has developed a strong partnership and friendship with Nkhamenya Girl’s School in Malawi. With the support of individuals, communities, businesses and companies in Glasgow and surrounding areas, we have managed to make a huge difference to the lives of others. We also have links with Nkhamenya Boys School, Nkhamneya Girls Primary, Katete Girls School, the local mission hospital and parish. With our donations we raise from various fundraising activites, water storage tanks and water pumps have been installed to ensure children have access to a clean, safe water source. Basic classroom resources and ICT facilities have been provided to the secondary schools to improve learning. We have also set up a scholarship fund to ensure that no pupil is sent home from school due to failure of fee payments. The local primaries have used their donations to install an electricity supply and improve learning equipment for the young children. Finally, our donations help improve care facilities within the local hospital. It is an entire community that benefits from our partnership. We too have great benefits, our young people are not only provided with a life-changing opportunity to visit Nkhamenya which requires dedication and commitment from them. They also develop a deeper understanding of the lives of others across the world, enabling them to learn from others and become more aware global citizens. Our annual Malawi Ball will take place on the 8th of May 2020. Stay tuned for various events such as Malawi Day and other events throughout the school calendar!

Partner organisation in Malawi

Nkhamenya girls secondary school

Number of people involved in our partnership